Walker adds three more cosmetics companies to its client base

Walker adds three more cosmetics companies to its client base

Berkshire-based Walker Logistics has announced three further additions to the growing list of clients that it serves within the cosmetics and skin care sector.

Luxie, who produce a range of make-up brushes; New Flag, a distributor of beauty products; and Grahams Natural UK, who offer natural therapeutic skin care products, will all now have their UK supply chains managed by Walker.

All three companies had previously outsourced key logistics processes to another third party logistics company and turned to Walker when that business was placed in Administration earlier this year.

William Walker, sales director of Walker Logistics, commented: “I am pleased to say that the transfer of stock from the original logistics company went extremely smoothly and in all three cases there was no significant disruption to the client’s downstream supply chain. Luxie, New Flag and Grahams Natural were all ‘onboarded’ with the minimum of fuss.”

Walker has a proven track record of success within the cosmetics industry and, going forward, this will prove beneficial to all three companies, says William Walker.

He adds: “Logistics managers within cosmetics companies and their 3PL partners face unique challenges and must handle a high throughput and volume of product compared to many other industries, understand sensitivity to temperature and handling restrictions and ensure strict compliance conformance.

 “Of course, each market throws up its own set of challenges but a company in the cosmetics and personal care space is, in my view, more likely to enjoy a successful relationship with a logistics partner that has experience of these markets than it would with a 3PL that, for instance, works predominantly within the automotive industry.”